Students Teachers Courses
Students Teachers can Learn to Love Irish through an Immersive experience in a natural friendly setting on Inis Mór, where Irish is the first language of the community.
Emphasis will be placed on the spoken language, grammar, and the Fillteán Foghlama. Students will also be able to prepare for the Oral Irish.
The Irish Topics that will be focused on are those in the Primary Curriculum. Students will also be introduced to the writings of Island writers such as Liam O Flaherty, Breandán Ó hEithir and Máirtín Ó Direáin. Interactive teaching methods will be used in all our classes. Afternoon and nightly events will be organised based on guidelines from the Siollabais do na Tréimhsí Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht. For example, workshops, heritage walks, sports, visits to places of interest in the locality, dramas, Irish Dancing and guest speakers.
All students stay in houses which have been inspected by An Roinn Ealaín, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta. Houses are of a high standard. The Bean an Tí will provide homely nutritious meals - menus have been agreed with the Coláiste.
We facilitate students wishing to be accommodated together - please notify when applying . Courses will be filled on a first come, first served basis. We will accommodate 100 student teachers on our Easter course.
The staff which includes a principal, teachers and assistants will all be qualified under the DES regulations.